Description Account of James Patterson

Part of the Patterson Papers

Alternate Details

“Halifax 22nd September 1802

Mr. James Patterson

[Bought?] of James Beith & Company


[Sold?]  1 Piece Blue Cloth                            25 ½ Yards           6/            $7..13..0

                8 ½ yards gray cloth                                                        5/8         “2..8..2

                10 yards [Herseyinere?]                                                4/3         “2..1..8

                10 yards Waistcoating                                                    5/4         “2..13..4

                8 Pocket Handkifs                            No. 1                      1/6         “..12..

                8 Shawls                                              No. 2                      5/1         “2……8

                13 Ditto                                                “3                            1/10       “1..3..10

                11 Ditto                                                “4                            3/3         “1..15..9

                28 Yards Calico                                  “5                            1/11       “2..13..8

                1 Dozen Cotton Hose                      “11                         37/         “1..17….

                1 Dozen Worsted Ditto                  “12                         19/         “....19….

                2 Pr. Blankets                                    “1                            9/6         “..19…

                2 Pr. Ditto                                            “2                            13/         “1..6….

                4 silk handkifs                                    “9                            5/8         “1..2..8

                6 Large Rugs                                                                       9/            “2..14…

                2 Large Bibles                                                                    12/         “1..4..   

                2 Small Ditto                                                                       3/11       “..7..10

                1 Enticks Dictionary                                                         3/            “..3…

                6 Coloured Hats                                                                6/6         “1..19..

                3 Dozen tea spoons                                                         1/            “…3….

                1 Dozen Table Ditto                                                         3/            “….3….

                1 Pr. Boots                                                                          28/         “1..8..s

                1 Saddle                                                                               42/         “2..2..   

                1 Bridle                                                                                 3/6         “…3..6

                1 Whip                                                                                  4/            “….4….


                                                                                Advance 50 Pr. Cent        $19..18..6”

File Location

Original Material Box #3

File number: 77-97a
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Patterson Papers, James Patterson, account
Views: 731
Uploaded on: July 16, 2015

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