Description Telephone Exchange Card

Telephone directory for stores, companies, and homes in the Pictou area from the later half of the 1800s. 

Alternate Details

Listed numbers: 

1. Railway Station
2. Noonan & Davies, Express Office
3. Johnstone & Co. Lumber, etc
4. J.D.B. Fraser & Sons, Druggist
5. Revere Hotel
6. J. and J. Yorston, Marine Slip.
7. Hogg, Craig and Co., Groceries
8. D. Fullerton & Sons, Lumber, etc
10. D. B. McDonald, Livery Stable
11. R. Tanner & Son. Boots & Shoes
12. James McG. Stewart, Barrister
13. C.A. Ives, Broker
14. E.M. McDonald, Barrister
15. Col. Snow (House)
16. R. D. Stiles, Druggist
17. Recording Office
18. John U. Ross, Barrister
19. G.J. Hamilton & Sons
20. Pictou Iron Foundry
21. Fred McLennan, Tin Ware
22. Gas Works
23. Merchants Bank
24. Standard Office, R.C. Hamiton
24. C.E. Tanner, Barrister
25. Dr. Stewart (House)
26. Dwyer & Co., Brokers
27. D. Patterson (House)
28. G. R. Chisholm (House)
29. A. J. Craig (House)
31. Bank of Nova Scotia
32. Dr. McKenzie (House)
33. R. Johnstone (House)
34. A. Carson, Hardware
35. R. W. Oliver, Dry Goods
35. A. Henderson & Son, Boots & Shoes

File Location

Original Material, Box #7

File number: 77-295
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: telephone directory, Noonan, J.D.B. Fraser, Revere Hotel
Views: 698
Uploaded on: July 14, 2015

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