Description J.D.B Fraser letter from 1846

“West River, 20th Sept. 1846


My Dear Sir,

I have sent the dyestuff and the articles ordered all right except the papers which will never be of any use to me. Could they not be sent back and others [sent?] in their place. I have now last years importation and the year before lying by me of no use. I must send for some more as soon as I have an opportunity.
Please send me one pound cream of tartar and half [ounce?] cochineal.

One ounce cloves, quarter pound root ginger.


-S. Lippincott.


I find by looking over the last load that the madder and pearl ash have neiher come. I wan to use hem immediately please send them by the [train?].



File Location

Original Material, Box #4

File number: 77-131h
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: J.D.B. Fraser, Fraser, letter
Views: 640
Uploaded on: July 4, 2015

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