Description Letter for James D.B. Fraser, Esq.

“Dear Sir,

The papers that have come this year are 28 inches by 31 the size that I gave you was 21 by 30 ½. I wanted papers of [Crehore?] and Neals manufacturing but these are the same as last years they were the right size but I could do nothing with them they are full in the middle and these appear to be the same. You need not write for any more if it will do I should like to have these returned as they will be of no use to me. Please let me know what they cost. 

I am yours (?)
S. Lippincott

Sept. 28th, 1846"

File Location

Original Material, Box #4

File number: 77-131g
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: J.D.B. Fraser, Fraser, letter
Views: 710
Uploaded on: July 4, 2015

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