Description The Tattrie Family

Drove out to Ealls? Hall Duke of Westmount, arrival at Liverpool 12 June. Everything wet and dirty. Left for _ arrival at _ hotel about 10:30. Old house. _ around _ walls. A very pleasant walk of about two miles. Saw _ partly built in 875 _ _ _ founded 689. Charles _ on city walls stood and looked out of windows where Charles saw his _ _. Mrs P taught me the view of Chester in tower (never saw as many chimney pots in my life) several old gates or arcades (sailor hats by the housing) everyone walked out in middle of _ . People undersized – red cheeked girls – ugly – left for _ 14 stayed at Manor house. Old damp and stuffy, awful old beds. Had to go _ old flagged hall to _ room for my meals (big cold and gloomy) Sunday _ tried to keep myself from freezing, Monday want to Stratford on Avon?, had a lovely time seeing Shakespeare’s old home was in house he was _ in _ the old bedrooms where he slept, old desk, _ eight ring chairs he sat in. _ _ _ _ I saw church where he was buried. _ of _ and death. Also memorial _ and theatre climbed up to _ lovely view of the area and surrounding country, lunched at Red _ Inn (sign big hand purple grapes) drove out to _ _ cottage (Shakespeare’s wife) sat on the old bench in the corner of fire where they did their _ ( _ uncomfortable they must have been _ was really about 6 inches wide). Saw old _ where she was from old beds with old fiber? bottom, old linen sheets and pillow slips she worked, also old _ woolly drapery on bed – back to Limington? Tuesday drove to Warwick. Saw Warwick castle, family at home but say all _ _ _. Lots of old armoury Queen Ann’s room bed and old drapery Victoria slept in same _ (awful short) some fine old paintings by _ William of Orange? as a boy. Old furniture _ tall lovely, big old _, everywhere there was flowers, sweet heavenly odor, sickening, yard smelt of tobacco and _, lovely peaches in grounds a white one, old moat full of flowering shrubs. Drove to Guys Cliff walked over old mill bridge, saw old mill the on to Kenilworth Castle ruins, picked 4 three leafed clover up on the higher wall left standing. Had lunch at Kings Arm where Sir _ wroth Kenilworth. Was in room, lovely old bureau and dressing table, also wash stand silver handles, sat in his old chair. Hand and _ then drove on to Stoneleigh Alley and Leigh’s, lovely old park, truly lovely. _ buy and old, home through the best sheets in Limington old have house leave Limington for Oxford 18 _. Stayed at Mitre (old hole) walked through the _ various _ and gardens, the adventure in Christs Church meadows _ walk saw rowing on River Thomas. Very old church, went up in tower to _ big Tom? The architecture is supposed to be very fine, finest in England, came onto Galesburg 21, saw old Cathedral and drove around country _ can onto Southampton Monday 23 to get passage back home. Saw first electrics cars or _. Some peachy by staying at the Dolphin Hotel old feather lids and candles. Went for walk with English maid all through the docks. Saw the English steamer that was at _ time of volcano eruption, also first troops _ _ meet quite a lot of English maids at one hotel. They are too ignorant and stuck up for anything have _ been out of England and though nothing good can come can come out of any other country. The maid asked if all Americans were _ , Irish did not even know it had been an English colony and did not relish the information that they had rebelled, had a tea party and _ the British gaining their Independence. Also that some of England’s best blood was there only improved by the people being better educated. I don’t think she will be so perky in saying only Irish. Time they all talk through their noses say lidy piper. _ _ _ South Africa. Morgan’s yacht, new slaughter horses for American cattle the _ looked very nice at night with all the yachets lights in labour from Southampton to Tunbridge Well. Country’s lovely view from mount Epherume? June drove to Penshurst Place to see old castle about _ miles from Tunbridge hills, it belonged to Sir Ridney Smith in Queen Elizabeth’s time, saw old furniture made especially for her when she visited him. Old tapestry sewn panels of it ­_ _ the only panel tapestry ever made also chandelier first made in England. Part of furniture was black made for King James I. Fine old paintings. The one queen Elizabeth had painted of herself for Sir Sidney also one of her sibling on his knee in a dance held at Kenilworth castle (she looked like a jackass)                   

File number: 2014-01-110-V
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: letter, southampton, dolphin hotel
Views: 736
Uploaded on: July 3, 2015
Source: Lloyd Tattrie

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