Description Letter to Daniel Fraser



“Pictou 4th November 1814.


Dear Sir,

The bearer of this apt. Caleb Hefferman has on board his schooner called The Swan a quantity of cast iron which a client of mine in Manchester requested me to take in satisfaction of a judgement which I recovered in his favor and to have the same sent to Halifax to be sold at auction or otherwise I shall be glad therefore if you will receive it from Mr. Hefferman and dispose of it to the best advantage either at auction or private sale and retain the proceeds in your hands until I shall advise you farther on the subject. The quantity I do not exactly know but believe it is about 3500 weight and consists of a quantity of grating, plough shares, stove pipes, and a few door scrapers, all of cast iron. Your attention to this will oblige me and all expecting attending the disposal of it of whatever stature shall be thankfully paid. Please do send me a few lines as soon as convenient, do let me know if you have received the articles.

With best regards to Mrs. Fraser,

I remain Dear Sir your [and sent?]

John G. Marshall



Mr. Daniel Fraser”

Alternate Details

On back:


“M. John G. Marshall

Pictou, Nov 4, 1814


Mr. Daniel Fraser





[jave?] by Capt. Hefferman, Schooner Swan”

File Location

Original Material, Box #4

File number: 77-130a
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Daniel Fraser, John G. Marshall, letter
Views: 725
Uploaded on: June 26, 2015

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