Description Will of George Allen of River John, NS


Estate of George Allan late of River John- deceased, Testate

Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds

I George Allen of River John, in the County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, being in sound mind do hereby declare this to be my last Will and testament.

I do hereby give and bequeath to my wife Sabrina all and singular my real and personal property for her sole use benefits (after payment of my debts)

I hereby appoint my wife Sabrina and my Father Robert Allen Executors of this my Will.

In witness whereof I have hereunto let my hand and seal this 11th day of August,A.D. 1880.

On this 11th day of August A.D. 1880, George Allen of River John signed and sealed the foregoing instrument and published and declared the same as and for his last Will, and we at his request and in his presence a

nd in the presence of each other have hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses. Signed, George Allan L.S.

Witness, Signed William Henry

Signed James Gammon

Signed **James Sutherland

County of Pictou Office

In the Court of Probate of Wills

I do hereby Certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of part of a page, is an exact copy of the last Will and testament of George Allan, late of River John in the County of Pictou, deceased, testate, which has been duly files and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court. Given under my hand at Pictou this 15th day of September A.D. 1880. John H.Lane Registrar

To John Ferguson Esq. Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou

Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 28th September 1880 I certify that the with instrument was duly registered at 2 pm of the above day in the registry of Wills Book No 1 pages 63 & 64 on the certificate of John H.Lane Rgr.

John Ferguson Rgr.

Alternate Details

**might be Mrs.

File number: 15W-1004A
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: George Allen of River John, Sabrina Allen, Robert Allen, William Henry, James Gammon, 1880,
Views: 796
Uploaded on: January 22, 2015

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