Description Mrs. Stalker, Silk Dyer

"Mrs. Stalker, Silk Dyer, Mining Company's Wharf, Pictou, N.S.


In presenting her card, with feelings of gratitude for favours previously bestowed, begs to intimate that she still continues (at her former residence) in the occupation of dyeing every description of Silk, Gauze, Satin, and Velvet Dresses; Crapes, Gauze, Thread, and Lace Veils, Velt and Silk Bonnes, Canton Crape & Silk Shawls, Ribbons, Ladies' and Gentlemens' Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &c.


Black changed to Grenn, Brown, Fawn, and Purple Colours.




Silk and Canton Crape Shawls, Ribbons, and Handkerchiefs, cleaned.


Orders by Post or Carrier promptly attended to."

File Location

Original Material, Box #7

File number: 77-300
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: ad, silk, dyeing, Stalker
Views: 676
Uploaded on: June 24, 2015

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