Description Protest for the want of payment


From the main portion of the order:


"On the Twenty second day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen at the request of The London Joint Stock Bank Limited ________________

Joseph Phillips Crawley ~ of the City of London Notary Public duly admitted and sworn exhibited the original Bill of Exchange beforecopied to a Clerk in the Banking house of the Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company Limited London, where the said Bill is accepted payable and demanded payment of its contents Which demand was not complied with but the said Clerk thereunto answered "No advice."


Whereupon I the said Notary at the request aforesaid have protested and by these presents do solemnly protest against the Drawers, Acceptors, and Indorsors of the said Bill ~ and all others concerned for Exchange Re-exchange and all Costs, Damages, Interest and Charges already incurred and to be hereafter incurred for want of payment___________of the said Bill _________


Thus done and protested in London aforesaid in the presecene of Percy Watson Walker and Walter Frederick Murly, Witnesses




Grain & Sons

Notaries & translators of Spanish, Portuguese, French & c.

William Crawley, Edwin Courtney Walker, Joseph Phillips Crawley

9 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.

Telephone No. Avenue 3051"


Alternate Details

Top portion, hand written and taken from the Bill of Exchange attached to document. 

"No. 923.

Pictou, Nova Scotia

Exchange for £50.00 Ninety days after Sight of this First of Exchange (second of same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of Ourselves the sim of Fifty Pounds Sterling Value received and charge the same to account of 

To Messrs Crow Rudolph & Co.

Royal Liver Building

Liverpool, England


Yours Truly,

Primrose Bros.


No. 14511. Accepted 21st October, 1913. Payable at the Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co. Limited, London. Dur 22 January, 1914. Crow, Rudolf & Co.


Indorsed: - Primrose Bros. Pay to the order of The London Joint Stock Bank Limited for the Bank of Nova Scotia. Pictou. N.S. J. Moman, Manager. Per Pro. of the London Joint Stock Bank Limited. C.N. Butcher, Chief Cashier."

File Location

Original Material, Box #6

File number: 77-247b
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: bank, notary, Primrose
Views: 868
Uploaded on: June 19, 2015

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