Description Letter by John Coape Sherbrooke


The Rev Thomas McCulloch,




            In consequence of the good report of your conduct and moral character and confiding on your abilities I do by vertue of the former authority in me vested by His Majesty’s Command and Royal Instructions, and by the Laurd of the Provinces hereby license and authorize you the said Thomas McCulloch to keep a school at Pictou in the county of Halifax for the instruction of youth and English grammar, the Latin, and the Greek Languages, orthography, the use of the globes and the practical branches of mathematics or such other useful learning as may be judged necessary ~ You the said Thomas McCulloch first taking the oaths appointed by law , before two of His Majesty’s Justice of the Peace in and for the said country.    


Given under my hand sealed arms of Halifax this 31st day of March 1812 in the 52nd year of His Majesty’s Reign.


J.C. Sherbrooke


By His Excellency’s Command


H, H, Cogswell


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Vault:Copied Material:Box #3

File number: 77-162-2
Contributor:    Ashlyn Kennedy | View all submissions
Tags: Thomas McCulloch, letter, March 31 1812, 1812, J C Sherbrooke, John Coape Sherbrooke
Views: 753
Uploaded on: June 17, 2015

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