Description Letter for W. H. Harris

"Feb. 11, '49


W. H. Harris Esq.



My Dear Sheriff, 

Have you access to Vol I of the Colonial Patriot?


In it you may remember a writer using a new name of Philo-Antiquarius wrote a History of Pictou County. I want to hear what he says about Lord William Campbell [caring/carving] with the assistance of the "Hector" passengers and inticing the Government to (crufed) the Company will fulfil their guarantee to supply provisions for one year. Lord William had ceased with the Govenor but he was still in Halifax and had sufficient influence with the Government will reduce in fact. There wasn't a Campbell owning the Hector passengers but this Lord William was pretty much a play boy he (warmed/warned?) will the tartan whoever wore it.


If you have, will pay anything to have copy made of what Philo-Antiquarius says I will be very glad will repay you.

(Meauture) with kind regard I am as ever

Sincerely Yours, 

George Patterson"

File Location

Original Material, Box #6

File number: 77-238 a
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: W.H. Harris, Pictou, George Patterson, History of Pictou County, Colonial Patriot, Ship Hector, letter
Views: 939
Uploaded on: June 10, 2015

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