Description Mrs M H Fitzpatrick

Photo (105 x 165mm) of Mrs M H Fitpatrick taken by photographic studio Wm Notman and Son, Montreal.  Mrs Fitzpatrick's photo was included in collection with her husband and other Fitzpatrick family members - connections not known.

Mrs M H Fitzpatrick is wearing an elaborate velvet dress, note braid on sleeves, fringing and beading on skirt, and a large ruff or frill at neck.  She has bracelets on both arms, a large ring, earrings and a heavy chain necklace with floral clasp.

File Location

Upwey Victoria Australia

Contributor:    Lynda Reid | View all submissions
Tags: Fitzpatrick, Notman
Views: 777
Uploaded on: June 5, 2015
Source: Lynda Reid

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