Description Foundry Blacksmith (2)

"Roland Heighton, left, with goggles, and Murray Harris. About 1974. Early 1970's at Blacksmith Shop, Foundry Building for Ferguson Shipyard (later Pictou Industries). Roland Heighton lives on Elm St., Pictou, since 1950's and Murray Harris lived at River John and Caribou River (owned land Katy Lane/Waterside), died late 1970s. 

On Wed. Oct. 15, 1997, Rollie (Roland) visited McCulloch House Museum and recounted  [the] following to Anne MacIsaac, tour guide/interpretor. During WWII, [the] shipyard [was] very busy. Rollie was a very good blacksmith, forged to specifications, made all teh chisels and tools needed for carpenters/joiners. He made nuts & bolts for NFL ferry Lord Selkirk. Feature of that ferry was it could sail forward, starboard, or leeward, any direction. He made large items: ex. a ferry propeller was seized and the blacksmith shop made a huge wrench to fit it, men hit the wrench with 20lb mall hammers and freed propellor. He made axels for trains, over 200lb items, usually on-site. They had to forge tools/pieces slightly bigger so the machinists had spare for fine turning/machining. Very interesting conversation. he worked in several departements before Blacksmith shop, a great benefit as then he knew what was needed by the ither shops from experience."

File Location

Photo Cabinet Drawer #4

File number: 02.134.011
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: blacksmith, ferry, Roland Heighton, Murray Harris, Foundry, Pictou
Views: 922
Uploaded on: June 4, 2015

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