Description J D B Fraser Letter

Letter from John Fraser of Middle River to JDB Fraser of Pictou, dated May 5, 1846

Mr. Fraser

Sir I hope you will excuse me in not answering you before now but I expected to be down the 1st of May but was disappointed.  I will call and settle with you on the 16th Inst.  If not I will send payment that day by A R Fraser.

I remain Your..?

(tear)..? D? B Fraser

John Fraser

 Middle Riv 5th May, 46   

File Location

Vault, Original Material, Box #2

File number: 77-43-9
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Middle River, JDB Fraser, Pictou, John Fraser, 1846, J.D.B. Fraser
Views: 870
Uploaded on: June 2, 2015

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