Description J D B Fraser letter

11 May 1846, Letter, Joseph Clark MD, Pugwash, Enquiring Price Drugs, etc.

James D B Fraser Esq., Pharmacist & Druggist, Pictou, NS

J D B Fraser,


Intending to establish a drug store in Pugwash and there being some difficulty of importing American drugs direct to Pugwash I wish you would send a list of your prices current and if they can be procured from your establishment at a reasonable percentage on the American prices.  I will be glad to procure my drugs from you.  I wish you to send 1/2 doz. qt stopped bottles if at 1/6 - 1/2" lin - sulph. pur. in stopped bottle 3i* argent --- end 1/2 gallon of castor oil if at -- gal and I will send for a quantity immediately.  I wish these articles per bla--* with a list of prices current where if reasonable I will desire my supplies through you.

Your most obdt

Joseph Clark MD


May 11th, 1846

File Location

Vault, Original Material, Box #2

File number: 77-43-11
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Joseph Clark, JDB Fraser, Pictou, Pugwash, 1846, J.D.B. Fraser
Views: 861
Uploaded on: June 2, 2015

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